
Our DNA is written in Swift

Book in Production

I’m happy to report that my book Barcodes with iOS has entered the production stage. Over the past few weeks I had some back and forth with a tech proofer, my developmental editor as well as a copy editor. A few minutes ago I had a meeting where we discussed the transition into full on production. A few virtual high fives were in order.

Barcodes with iOSWhen writing a book there are essentially two stages:

  1. Pre-Production is all the time that the author writes the book
  2. Production is the time where all is done to produce a high quality product

Int time for my speaking at Mobiconf on 2nd and 3d of October, we want to push one more update to the Manning Early Access Program (MEAP) with the almost-done versions of all chapters and updated sample code. The current versions do not have all the latest iOS 8 updates and are still before all stylistic improvements.

My English is good, but it will never be able to fool somebody into thinking that I am a native speaker. Thanks to the help of one, I will be made to sound even smarter and more nativer than ever before. 🙂

Besides the digital and physical versions of the book already available through the Manning website, I also found that it is already listed on Amazon. And if it’s listed on Amazon, it must be real, right?

I still have to deliver 3 more things:

  • Preface, giving some history as to how this book came to be
  • Acknowledgements, profusely thanking some key people
  • About this book, giving an overview of the book contents

The Foreword will be written by somebody else. For the most part I have some meat for these items at hand. I should be able to put them together quickly once I have finished preparing for Mobiconf. Following this I might still be getting one-liner questions as there is one more proof reading pass and then typesetting will take place.

Following the successful conclusion of the conference I will shift my focus to Product Layer. This service I am putting together with two cofounders is the missing piece of the puzzle to be able to build mobile apps leveraging iOS 7/8 barcode technologies. In my role as Developer Evangelist it will be my job to convince you check out Product Layer to build some enticing new apps which you couldn’t build before.

Categories: Publishing



  1. Internationale Beziehungen | Oliver Drobnik
  2. Book, out | Cocoanetics

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