
Our DNA is written in Swift

Renewing Certificates and Provisioning Profiles in under 10 Minutes

Once a year you are required to refresh your two certificates and all provisioning profiles that use these. Mine had expired and so I made a screen capture to show you how painless the renewal process can be. At the same time it also shows newcomers how to best set up their stuff on the provisioning portal.

Hint: if you find that the Submit button is not working, you can also go into the provisioning profile name field and hit Enter.

For regular development work it’s generally sufficient to have only 3 provisioning profiles:

  • “Development” – uses your “iPhone Developer” certificate, a * wildcard app identifier and all your development devices
  • “AdHoc” – uses your “iPhone Distribution” certificate, a * wildcard app identifier and all devices you want to do ad-hoc builds for
  • “AppStore” – uses your “iPhone Distribution” certificate, and if you don’t do IAP or Push Notifications you can use a wildcard app identifier as well

You don’t need to create a new app identifier on the portal for each new app that you begin. You only ever need unique app identifiers if you publish an app capable of InAppPurchases or Push Notifications.You can change the app identifier with every upload to Apple, contrary to the bundle identifier in the info.plist which has to stay the same for the app to be accepted as an update. New bundle identifier means new app.

Once you have gone through the steps shown in the video you are good to go for another year, until the certificates expire once more.

Categories: Recipes


  1. Are all IOS DNS creatures retarded, where is the video?

  2. Thanks for noticing. I re-added the link it somehow had disappeared.

  3. Good tutorial with detail information.

    Just got to confirm, If the apps are LIVE, then while renewing the distribution certificates (Prior to expire) ,do we have to submit the app again to Apple for review OR may be upload a new .app at iTunes ?

  4. I found this helpful in renewing (re-createing new) iOS certificates: