Stefan Zimmermann of CoSciCo kindly provided me with this testimonial about why and how they licensed DTRichTextEditor for their iLA app.
ILA (CS) is the first incarnation of the iLA platform and is designed with deep learning, easy knowledge sharing and project planning in mind. Well, sure you can also just take notes and “beam” them to a friend or colleague.
Excerpt, organize and share, thoughts, ideas, and knowledge topics in a natural way, – simple and fast, without the interruption of the flow of ideas by having to think how to organise it, first.
Stefan’s own words after the break.
In iLA everything is about flexible creation of RTF Texts, collecting excerpts from Web pages and other media, about pictures and any content that helps to understand a problem, line out a process, or to complete a task.
We evaluated a couple of options until we found Oliver’s DTRichTextEditor. At first we thought “boy, 500 €, that is a proud number”, but: “think about it”.
Ending up with the wrong thing, or doing it yourself is way more expensive. So we contacted Oliver who was already at first contact very helpful (yes support is a factor !).
We purchased a license. For us it turned out to be a very good investment. We knew DTRichTextEditor was not designed for what we had in mind to do with it. But it performed surprisingly well out-of-the-box already, even in the abusive way we put it to use, and after a couple of tweaks we see that we could not have made a better choice.
When we had questions, Oliver promptly helped with his expertise, when we had suggestions or found an issue, the fix was sometimes done in a matter of hours. We saw, we didn’t buy a piece of software only, but premium support comes with it.
Well, as no software is perfect, we are having some grief with ordered/unordered lists, but I am sure it is only a matter of time that this will be fixed.
iLA hit the App Store in January and if you want to see what DTRichTextEditor can do for you, check out the free iBook about the iLA App.
Categories: Reviews