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Radar: Support testing of region monitoring in Simulator

A bit of an annoyance when trying to implement geographic region monitoring.

Filed as enhancement request as rdar://16924908 and on Open Radar.

If you register to be notified if you are inside or outside of a CLCircularRegion this is difficult to test because the simulator does presently not support updating region state by setting the simulated location.

I propose to also have CLLocationManager send the locationManager:didDetermineState:forRegion: on simulator consistently when simulating various locations through the simulator Debug – Location menu.

This would be extremely helpful for developers to test region monitor functionality. At present the only way to really test their implementation is to choose a small radius around the developer’s office and then walk outside of this radius with a physical device.

By the same token, you cannot unit-test region-monitoring code in an automated fashion.


Categories: Bug Reports


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  1. Radar: Support testing of region monitoring in Simulator | Cocoanetics |