This is a big update for DTCoreText, maybe even deserving of a minor version bump. It aggregates fixes and enhancements contributed over more than 4 months. This kind of proves that DTCoreText is alive and getting better all the time.
- FIXED: Compatibility with CocoaPods 0.36 and frameworks
- FIXED: Missing super calls in -awakeFromNib
- FIXED: Dependency problems with DTWeakSupport.h
- FIXED: Problem with “Cursive” tag and a Custom Font Cursive
- FIXED: CGFloat values were used as bool values within if statements
- FIXED: Additional CGFloat build issue on xCode 7
- FIXED: Wrong foreground color attribute used for appending NL
- FIXED: Xcode warning for unused expression result
- FIXED: CGFloat build issue on xCode 7
- ADDED: Honour the value of NSBaselineOffsetAttributeName
- ADDED: DTCoreText.framework for iOS
- ADDED: Improve AutoLayout in DTAttributedTextContentView
- ADDED: DTDocumentPreserveTrailingSpaces boolean option
The main driver for this release was the fact that people where experiencing problems using DTCoreText in Swift apps. The main reason for these issues resulted from some unclear cross dependencies dependencies and imports that would throw the module building. Support for modules/frameworks arrived in CocoaPods 0.36 and I hadn’t gotten around to fixing this until now.
When debugging the module support I also clarified the imports in many source files. Instead of blankly always importing the CoreText.h umbrella header I switched to importing exactly the needed files. I added a dynamic iOS framework for this purpose which would show me where module building problems would reside.
The main contributes to this release were. Thank you guys!
To be honored as a contributor you need to have contributed code to the project. You can do so by sending pull requests with improvements. Please always send them against the develop branch.
The update is available on CocoaPods as well as tagged on GitHub.
Categories: Updates