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The Case of the Missing Translation

Since iWoman was acquired by FOKUS KIND Medien we have been working on a complete UI overhaul. This also requires many new translations. The previous version of iWoman had been localized with Linguan, a Mac app which we also had sold a while ago. Unfortunately Linguan does not yet have support for XLIFFs, even though the new owner is considering it.

This blog post describes an issue that the XLIFF workflow has because of a bug on as well as a problematic “feature” in Xcode which causes some strings to go missing.

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TestFlight builds might get stuck in “Processing”

Old story: you submit a new version of an app only to find the next day that you still have a place where a crash occurs. In my case I “developer rejected” the review submission and uploaded a new build. Only to find that 19 hours later – on the next day – it is still not available to be attached to the version for submission.

People on Twitter told me that they are having the same issues too every now and then. Apparently for some they can jigger it lose by refreshing the TestFlight iOS-Builds page every few seconds. A few individuals even do that with a chrome extension that reloads the page every 15 seconds.

So, time for a Radar: filed as rdar://23409291 and on OpenRadar.

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Deal of the Day

Manning offers three books (including mine) as Deal of the Day, for November 2nd. Here’s your chance to get a great deal on several great books!

Use promo code dotd110215au to get 50% off any of these books throughout July 28th.

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Table View Cells lose clickability in Today Widget

While working on a today widget I stumbled on a bug in iOS. Since I was using multiple rows I had changed my widget to be table view-based with multiple rows showing a label and a value. Oddly, this setup caused my table view cells to no longer highlight when being touched between the labels.

There is a workaround of course, see below, but it is ugly. Filed as rdar://23298579 and on Open Radar. The mentioned sample app is WidgetTabCellTest on my Radar Samples repo on GitHub. Read more

Getting the Today Widget Look Right

One of my apps has a notification center widget. In this blog post I am exploring a few ingredients which are necessary to have the look go well with Apple’s original widgets.

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Fixing the Simulators

I’ve been having some issues lately with the iOS simulators on my MacBook. I kept getting messages of the sorts that some “/tmp” could not be deleted because of lack of permissions.

The only way to fix that was to create a new simulator device. But I was made aware of a tool that helped me fix the dilemma.
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iOS Subscriptions 2.0

In this talk, which I gave at Pragma Conference 2015, I am explaining the ins and outs of auto-renewable subscriptions.

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Pragma Conference 2015

Less than a week after I had spoken at Mobiconf, I was travelled to Florence, Italy, to speak at Pragma Conference. I was surprised to learn that it was only the third instalment, given the level of professionalism I witnessed.

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DTFoundation 1.7.8

This update for DTFoundation fixes some building problems for tvOS and extensions. Also most of the work happened on DTASN1 in preparation for Kvitto, my new open source framework for reading App Store receipt files.

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Mobiconf 2015

Mobiconf 2014 was a great success for me, developing and giving two talks. So I jumped at the chance for a reprise. The 2015 edition of Mobiconf was bigger, better and way more fun.

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