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Wrapping Your Head Around Swift

This is the second talk I gave at Mobiconf 2015. The first – about how to integrate your website and your app – is also available.

Get 41% off all books at with promo code ctwmobicf, including mine!

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Integrating your Website + iOS App

This is the first of two talks I gave at Mobiconf 2015. The second one – about my experiences getting into Swift – is also available for your to watch.

Get 41% off all books at with promo code ctwmobicf, including mine!

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Radar: UITableViewAutomaticDimension

For an event calendar I am showing a table view with dynamically sized cells. There are two labels which can span multiple lines. Unfortunately automatic sizing of the cell height via UITableViewAutomaticDimension does not work consistently in iOS 8 and 9.

Filed as rdar://22193223 and on OpenRadar.

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Radar: Web-To-Native Handoff broken

For our app and website I implemented all 3 features that need a site association file. One of these is the ability to look at a page from the website on your Mac and then handoff to your native app on your iOS device.

Unfortunately this appears to be broken in iOS 9. Doing the same on an iPhone running iOS 8 this works perfectly. Filed as rdar://22204950 and on Open Radar.

Update Oct 4th: Fixed in iOS 9.1.

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DTFoundation 1.7.7

This maintenance update for DTFoundation cleans up a few Xcode 7 and OCLint warnings and fixes an issue in DTSidePanelController.

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Serious iOS Issue with GS1-128 Barcodes

Barcodes with iOSAs you might now I have an dual interest in product barcodes. First, there is my book treating all kinds of barcode symbologies supported by iOS. Second, there is ProductLayer where we are building a crowd-sourced product database via the social network.

At first I thought that the problem would only exist for really low quality bar codes (rdar://19438067) but now I found a perfectly good looking specimen that has the same issue: iOS does not recognize it.

Filed as rdar://22048146 and on Open Radar. I am hoping that Apple can fix this issue before iOS 9 is done.

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DTRichTextEditor 1.6.11

I had moved DTRichTextEditor to be Open Source because I wanted bright individuals to be able to contribute to this complex component. I had hatched the plan to ask people who are using the component commercially to set a bounty for fixed issues. This is the second release where a bounty was successfully captured.

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Radar: Xcode framework for wrong platform

It took me almost an entire day to figure out that the following issue is caused by some indeterministic behavior of Xcode. As a developer, you expect to see the same results if you use the same parameters (i.e. “deterministic”), but this is a situation that sometimes succeeds, sometimes doesn’t.

In DTFoundation I have two targets that produce a DTFoundation.framework, for iOS and OS X respectively. Now the problems seems to be that since I set both to define a module “DTFoundation”, Xcode randomly gets confused during building an iOS app and sometimes might try to build the OS X framework for iOS.

This was filed as rdar://22008701 and on Open Radar. From the looks of things Rob Rix has filed bug report rdar://20490378 that appears to be describing the same issue. If you disable implicit dependency finding in the scheme, the problem also goes away.

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Deal of the Day

Manning offers three books (including mine) as Deal of the Day, for July 26th. Here’s your chance to get a great deal on several great books!

Use promo code dotd072615au to get 50% off any of these books throughout July 28th.

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Radar: 2 for the Watch

Unfortunately Runtastic crashes on iOS 9. So I switched to tracking my nordic walks with Apple Watch. This works fine for the most part. But I experienced two issue lately. One of those is quite funny, so I chose to publish the bug reports here as well.

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