Fun fact! Sometimes Apple engineers confuse dupes of Radars with the original ones:
Engineering has determined that your bug report (20549548) is a duplicate of another issue (20553126) and will be closed.
And that even though my radar has the zip file with the sample app attached and the alleged original only a reference to my GitHub RadarSamples repo. Oh well… as long as Apple fixes the issue, I am happy to give the win to Peter Steinberger. Fatality!
But, I have one more bug report up my sleeve! A similar issue occurs server-side when using CLGeoCoder, so I filed this as rdar://20665320 and on OpenRadar.
Again, this bug report comes with a beautiful sample app. This is the first bug report sample app I made in Swift. Only took me 4 times as long than if I made it in Objective-C, but a developer’s gotta do what a developer’s gotta do. 🙂
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