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Radar: Swipe-to-Edit on UITableView

Working on the app (see screen shot below) I found this problem when adding actions to table view cells via the new editActionsForRowAtIndexPath: API. If you have a UIButton in the cell then the swipe does not cancel the tap on the button and you can end up accidentally executing the button action when you only wanted to edit.

Filed as rdar://19411256 and on Open Radar.

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Happy New VAT

As the new year 2015 starts, Apple implements the changed EU VAT requirements.

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Radar: UITextField’s implementation of UITextInput protocol

For the ProductLayer SDK I have built a text field that keeps track of the last used input language. When implementing this I noticed that several of the methods that UITextField claims to be implementing are not being called. Apparently this is a new bug in iOS 8.

Filed as rdar://19263531 and on Open Radar.

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iPhone Downsizing

I admit it, I belong to the group of people who use their iPhone singlehandedly. That is, a single-thumb-typer. Also, I scoffed at the idea of a super-sized iPhone 6+. But I am somebody to apply the scientific method for examine the validity of your own beliefs. So I purchased and used an iPhone 6+ (Gold, 128 GB) for almost 2 months. Here’s my verdict as well as an intro do size classes.

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Deal of the Day

My barcodes book is Deal of the Day at Manning on December 3rd! Get 50% off with the promo code below.

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DTFoundation 1.7.4

This maintenance update to DTFoundation contains several minor fixes and a few new CocoaPods sub specs.

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Radar: Changing Metadata RectOfInterest causes pause

I found this issue when working on a barcode scanner included in an app I am working on for If you want to be efficient with barcode scanning and change the scanning region in the preview depending on device orientation you’ll notice this problem. Say, you want a wider active scanning area in landscape than you want in portrait.

When you change the rectOfInterest during rotation the preview video goes to black briefly and the main thread is blocked causing the rotation to start with a delay too.

Filed as rdar://18980982 and on Open Radar.

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Radar: UIImagePicker returns offset cropped image

This is the kind of bug you have to see for yourself to believe it. UIImagePickerController is one of the oldest classes in iOS and we’ve been using it for just as long to let the user pick images from their photo library. You can also allow “editing” which means the user can select a square region.

Unfortunatley – at least as of iOS 8.1 – the region you select does not match with the resulting cropped image that you are provided. It is shifted down by about 10 pixels from what the user selected.

Filed as rdar://18957593 and on Open Radar.

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Radar: Incorrect Horizontal Size Class

I found this bug while working on an app for our ProductLayer startup. There is a new segue “Present as Popover” which dynamically decides to present a view controller either modally full screen or as popover depending on the available screen width. On iPhone 6+ this shows as popover in landscape orientation and modally in portrait. On iPads it always shows as popover.

Filed as rdar://18893122 and on Open Radar.

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DTPinLockController 2.0.0

Our DTPinLockController is one of the oldest components we’ve been selling on It mimics the way the passcode lock screen on iOS works. Thanks to the massive reworking by René Pirringer and Stefan Gugarel there is now a new 2.0 version which supports all the latest iOS devices.

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