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Radar: Incorrect Horizontal Size Class

I found this bug while working on an app for our ProductLayer startup. There is a new segue “Present as Popover” which dynamically decides to present a view controller either modally full screen or as popover depending on the available screen width. On iPhone 6+ this shows as popover in landscape orientation and modally in portrait. On iPads it always shows as popover.

Filed as rdar://18893122 and on Open Radar.

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DTPinLockController 2.0.0

Our DTPinLockController is one of the oldest components we’ve been selling on It mimics the way the passcode lock screen on iOS works. Thanks to the massive reworking by René Pirringer and Stefan Gugarel there is now a new 2.0 version which supports all the latest iOS devices.

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German Siri now knows “Count-down”

Back in June, I requested that Apple let German-language Siri treat “Countdown” the same as “Timer”. Apple now implemented my feature request.

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Disclaimer: I am the ProductLayer Developer Evangelist. My job is to convince you to build apps using our platform. Contact me if you have any questions.

Have you ever tweeted about a product that has you excited? Have you ever posted about a product on Facebook that really annoys you? Are you a “digital native” who feels right at home in social networks, keeping loose contacts with your friends and business associates?

Until today, whenever you would post something to a social network, this information would drown in the flood of other people’s posts. There was no way of finding other people’s opinions about physical products, except perhaps Amazon product reviews. But wouldn’t you trust more your friend’s opinions than those of complete strangers?

Today ProductLayer announces solutions to the problems above. We proudly present: – a social network on which your friends share their opinions on various physical products.

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DTCoreText 1.6.14

This maintenance release for DTCoreText addresses one pressing issue with images represented in data URLs and a collection of a few contributions.

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BarCodeKit 1.3.0

The previous release to BarCodeKit was almost exactly one year ago, when I was just about getting started with writing my book.

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Xcode 6 drops armv7s

The latest Xcode update no longer builds for the armv7s architecture by default. Is it planned obsolesce or an oversight?

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AV Foundation: Code 39 Recognition Confusion

This is a bug report for AV Foundation. I noticed this problem when creating nice vector versions of the 1D barcodes used in figures in my book. The problem with this is that if you are scanning Code39 barcodes you have no way to determine whether it was one with or without check digit.

It’s filed as rdar://18566595 and on Open Radar.

Update Oct 17th: Added Apple’s response “behaves as intended” with a very good explanation given.

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iPhone 6+

I had the box containing my iPhone 6+ sitting on the counter for 8 days. I saved it as an incentive for myself, for after doing a good job at Mobiconf.

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Best practices running an iOS open source project on GitHub

This is the second talk (of two) I gave at Mobiconf 2014. The first one – about barcodes – is available to watch here.

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