This is the first of two talks i gave at Mobiconf 2014. The second one – about Open Source – is available to watch here.
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Mobiconf 2014
Polish company Miquido decided 4 months ago that they wanted to have a great conference in Krakow. Since then they worked hard to pull off a conference that easily measures up to older, more established, conferences.
From Barcodes to Product Information
On the evening before Mobiconf I visited Cocoaheads Krakow to tell them about my book Barcodes with iOS and ProductLayer.
Radar: Spotlight doesn’t find files if first criteria is file format
While working on my talks for Mobiconf next week, I was looking for a specific file. There I got stumped because Finder wouldn’t show me any files matching my search criteria. Oh well, another day another bug report. This one is nice because I could easily demonstrate it with a screencast.
Filed as rdar://18452284 and on Open Radar.
Calendar: Fails to update events from mail update
The CEO of the startup I am part in insists on working on a PC and scheduling our weekly jour fixe with Microsoft Exchange. I knew something was amiss because whenever he changed the time of a meeting I wasn’t able to get my Calendar entry to move.
Being a good engineer I researched the root cause and filed a bug report as rdar://18438463 and on Open Radar.
Book in Production
I’m happy to report that my book Barcodes with iOS has entered the production stage. Over the past few weeks I had some back and forth with a tech proofer, my developmental editor as well as a copy editor. A few minutes ago I had a meeting where we discussed the transition into full on production. A few virtual high fives were in order.
Radar: Xcode fails to update inline help from documentation comments
When researching documentation comments for a talk I’ll be giving at a conference I got stumped by this issue with Xcode 6.0.1. When I created a fresh project the documentation popup would be instantly updated, but when changing documentation in my larger projects (e.g. DTFoundation or DTCoreText) the updated would never happen.
Filed as rdar://18394363 and on Open Radar.
DTRichTextEditor 1.6.8 + DTLoupe 1.5.5
This update for DTRichTextEditor and DTLoupe hot fixes an issue with loupe rotation under iOS 8.
DTFoundation 1.7.3
This maintenance release for DTFoundation fixes our block-based action sheet and alert view for iOS 8 GM.