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Passbook Event Ticket Relevancy Issues

While experimenting with PassKit I found some weird behavior which I believe might be a bug, or two.

Passes can have a date and locations where they are relevant.  For event tickets – according to the documentation – the locations are optional. You expect to see passes to appear on the iOS lock screen from some time before the event until it starts.

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Q&A: Seconds Since my Birthday

Julia asks:

How do I get Objective-C to display the number of seconds since my birth?

When you often gnaw on complex and frustrating questions – like I often do – it is rather refreshing to work out a good answer to such a simple question.

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Assuring Documentation Completeness

For your open source projects you want to make sure that pull requests you merge don’t destabilise the project. Having a large number of unit tests in combination with a Continuos Integration platform like Travis-CI helps greatly. With this setup each pull request or new branch sent to your repo triggers a build and Travis-CI will let you know if all tests pass or not.

If you annotate your headers with appledoc then you can build nice class documentation viewable that integrates with the Xcode documentation viewer or can be put on a web server as HTML.

Now what about pull requests which add new functionality but which are lacking some documentation annotations? This blog post looks into using Travis-CI for making sure documentation is also complete on pull requests.

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Happy New Year, Young Steve Jobs!

When toymaker Legendary Toys announced that they’ll do a new run of Steve Jobs action figures I know that I had to have one. There once was a very life-like “Old Steve Jobs”, but they got legal problems with the SJ estate. This is also why some of the figures you can still get are named “CEO Action Figure”. They look more or less like Steve, but they don’t dare to use the name.

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Nest Protect

The regional government of Lower Austria is currently doing a promotion where you can get smoke detectors at a discount. They are doing that to nudge more people to become interested in securing their homes from break-ins and fires. You get a detector with a 10-year battery for 16 Euros. This reminded me that I have like half a dozen of such detectors still in original packaging in the basement, never got around to installing them. Two reasons: we have rarely any open fire and they are boring.

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Looking Back and Forward

The older you get the quicker a year passes it seems. 2013 was a good year for us at Cocoanetics. Not really exceptional, we’re still waiting to get our great chance. But we cannot complain either, 2013 gets the “solid!” predicate.

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Peer Assembly acquires Linguan

Drobnik KG, Austria and Peer Assembly Ltd., Ireland – We are announcing that effective today Peer Assembly has acquired the Linguan Mac app.

Linguan is a Mac-based tool for comfortably editing localization strings in iOS and Mac apps. It is used and loved by more than 10,000 users. Linguan also verifies that when new languages or features are added to localized apps that there are no translations missing.

Linguan was developed and marketed by Drobnik KG in partnership with Byte Poets GmbH, also based in Austria. Both companies had too much else on their plate to be able to put the amount of time into Linguan that it deserved. Therefore the decision was made to search for a buyer.

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DTBonjour 1.1.0

DTBonjour is a convenient wrapper that lets you send NSObjects over a Bonjour connection. This is the first version of DTBonjour that has added features over the initial 1.0 release.

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DTRichTextEditor 1.6.6

This is a maintenance release for DTRichTextEditor. It contains only updates for the involved submodules.

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DTCoreText 1.6.10

This maintenance release of DTCoreText fixes some minor issues. I’m releasing it in preparation for a maintenance release of DTRichTextEditor.

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