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Rich Text Update 1.4

Beginning with version 1.4 we will advance the version tags on DTCoreText and DTRichTextEditor in sync. DTCoreText is in charge of HTML parsing, display and HTML generation inside the editor component and thus all the changes done there are indirectly benefitting editor users as well.

I’ve begun to aggregate issues on both GitHub and our own private GitLab instance via milestones. These are the grouping unit collecting issues so that you can tell from which version onward these fixes or enhancements are available. Each milestone will become a tag, once it is completed and will represent a stable version.

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Just a week ago I started DTXMLRPC as a means to post to my WordPress blog from QuickRadar. Somebody took a liking to it and sponsored me to continue work on it. So I implementing the remaining data types for XML-RPC serialization and improved the demo by adding a demonstration how to upload an image to WordPress.

The DTWordpress class, based on DTXMLRPC, provides an ever growing number of WordPress API calls, like retrieving a user’s blogs, a blog’s categories, posting a new article and uploading an image. All is block based.

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Component Clients: We Moved to GIT

If you have purchased components from us in the past you should have received a note from our sales team asking you for what credentials you would like on our new GitLab server.

As of this moment all Subversion access has been terminated. The components that we are still offering for sale have all been migrated to git. Of the discontinued products a few might be moved to DTFoundation are another open source project if there is any interest.

If you have no email from our sales team regarding your new credentials please email us.

DTNotePadView 1.1

Since we moved our components from Subversion to our new shiny GitLab server we contacted all clients and asked them for what git credentials they wish to use. Doing so we found that by far the most copies of all components had been sold for DTNotePadView.

Because of this I went in and gave it some love.

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DTCoreText Introduction

Tom von Schwerdtner of SmartLogic has written an very nice introduction to DTCoreText.

A UIWebView can be adapted to look and feel like a non-web UI element, but instead of hacking that together, why not use a tool made for the job?

Very nice post. I especially like the image where he shows the difference in rendering between UIWebView and DTAttributedTextView if you hover with your mouse over it.

Apple’s New Age of Unfairness

You might have noticed that Apple didn’t do a tour of Tech Talks last year as they had been doing traditionally in the past. The reason for this had been a sea change in the ranks of Apple’s evangelism team, headed by John Geleynse. Up until last year Apple’s unofficial motto had always been “treat everybody the same”.

The popularity of iOS has brought with it an unprecedented explosion in number of developer accounts and so Apple decided at a secret board meeting held at the beginning of January to change their credo. One suggestion had been “don’t be as evil as Google”, but this was struck down by Tim Cook who feared that this would taint Apple’s reputation as it would have lowered them to their competitor’s level.

But joking aside, Geleynse came to realize that Apple just cannot muster the man power it would need to hold the kind of Mini-WWDC that these Tech Talks represented all around the globe. When I interviewed him at the last Tech Talk in London he told me that doing a Euro-WWDC would be too much of a financial burden on the company. I have no idea how such a statement fits together with frequent reports of Apple having problems finding which mattress to stuff their cash into next.

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We’ll be back soon

We’re out of office until March 31st. There will be no e-mail checking until we get back, so please be patient with your requests and wishes.

We’ll be back at your service on March 31st.

Moving from SVN to GIT

When we started with Source Code Management (SCM) – at the time – we still had a virtual Windows server running with So a friend set up VisualSVN for us on this box. This got us started with Subversion.

A few years later I got started with git. Then I got into it a bit more with git submodules. Those were the beginnings of a beautiful friendship.

Two years later we decided that was enough of procrastrinating. Finally the time had come to switch to git for good. Read more

Radar: Skipping Ahead Broken in Some Podcasts

The bug occurs in 2 out of 10 well-known tech podcasts and can be reproduced in iTunes 11. This isn’t related to iOS or Mac development but since I spent much time in researching this, I want to post it on my blog as well. Also I believe that if people file better bug reports Apple has more reason to fix the bugs.

I noticed then when I was investigating why skipping in some of my own podcasts didn’t work. Turns out that the reason for that was a combination of ngnix + WordPress Multi-User + one pesky rewrite rule. But this is not the root cause that some podcasts are having.

If you know how to read (and understand HTTP headers) let me know in the comments if you spot a possible explanation for this bug.

Filed as rdar://13490726 and on Open Radar.

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Sir Ive Puts His Foot Down

Apple’s “new” Senior Vice President of Industrial Design Sir Jonathan Ive took on the additional role of also being of in charge of the iOS Alu.. Alumino.. Chrome when Scott Forstall moved into an advisory position.

In the latest update to the I believe we are seeing the first hint of the fresh breeze that Jony is bringing to Apple’s app design.

The unword that definitely plagued Apple in 2012 was Skeuomophism. It means to make something look like it has different physical properties than it really would have. Like the Gamecenter app showing green felt when touching it really feels like touching glass to me.

Other examples include leather-bound digital calendars, the style of the Find my Friends app and a few more attempts to make iOS look more valuable by including expensive materials or craftsmanship.

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