You might have noticed – if you follow the DTCoreText project on GitHub – that I made many changes on this Open Source project. The most recent change was that somebody donated a CocoaPods spec for the project and thus forced me to give it a version number. The reason being that pods are usually pointing to a specific tag in a GitHub repository. This way people using the project via CocoaPods can be certain that they are getting a stable version.
So I stumbled into this, but when trying to think of a good version number I could only come up with “1.0.0”. DTCoreText has matured sufficiently to call it that. Hey, earlier versions made it into quite a few popular apps, including Float. There are tons of performance improvements, additional features and most importantly the parser has been replaced with libxml2. This makes it both faster and able to deal with any kind of HTML you throw at it.
DTCoreText has two parts: first it creates NSAttributedString instances from HTML, second it displays these properly. CATextLayer would be able to take attributed strings, but it ignores paragraph attributes and cannot draw images. DTCoreText has an ingenious mechanism where you can supply your own UIViews for each attachment.