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Linguan 1.0.1 – Ginormous Hotfix Pack

My partners at BytePoets have been causing their keyboards to emit steam from walking through 26 issues that we identified on the 1.0 release just 9 days ago. Almost all had been identified as typical “oh shoot” elements, mostly items that you only find when people begin to actually use your software. Also I was able to smuggle in one or the other new feature since I consider “user confusion” also as a form of bug that you should hot fix if you can.

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We’re Hiring

Our business has outgrown our capacity. Cocoanetics has 2 large clients with long-term projects plus is successfully selling components that need to be polished and maintained. Add to that our visibility and you can imagine that we get frequently approached with interesting projects that we have to often turn away. “We” refers to myself, Oliver Drobnik and my partner Rene Pirringer. We love to develop and polish apps and are having a blast.

As it currently looks the momentum of the markets we are in is speeding up, not slowing down.

So we are looking to hire …

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Linguan Available, Users in Ecstasy

When I first formed the idea that evolved into Linguan it was because it was a tedious process to edit strings files with text editors and never being sure if you translated everything. In school my Latin teacher told us (incorrectly) that Ecstacy comes from ex (“out of”) and tease (“cause pain”) and that is what Ecstasy really means: to be without pain.

Many years later I was reminded of that because it was a pain (you know where) to deal with translations, especially if you had more than one extra language or had to deal with translators. As soon as you update your app with some new features you instantly lose track what additional tokens which of the translators has to provide a translation for.

Linguan comes to the rescue for all of us pained developers. It’s basically a very smart editor for .strings files. Plus a validator that is able to find inconsistencies and for example if you saved a strings file as UTF8. Plus an export and merge function that lets you send all untranslated tokens of specific languages to translators and merge their results back into your project. And you can even tell your translator to get Linguan because it gives him a nice interface to work through the strings files you send him.

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Submitting Your First Mac App Store App

I would say I have the process of submitting iOS apps down, I could probably do it blindfolded. Actually I HAVE done it blindfolded on several occasions guiding people over the phone on their very first submission.

But today I am doing it for the first time on an app for the Mac App Store (aka MAS). Let’s see if I can see this through to a successful conclusion, or at least until the ball is out of my court and with the app review team.

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He Says He Cracked It

For lack of any other sensible field in Apples backyard to speculate on we are hearing multiple news sources and recyclers invest their brains in talking about a real Apple TV, as in TV-Set-style TV. All my favorite podcasts are full of it. And even Steve Jobs himself speaks to us from the grave via his biography where is quoted to have said “I’ve cracked it”, referring to an integrated TV-Set.

Not to be outdone, let me also add a bit of speculation, founded on some actual facts. Loops that Apple left intentionally open as if to telegraph their next moves.

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Component Development Contest

Component Marketplace BinPress announced a development contest for mobile components, running through November 26th. The top three spots are rewarded with $20,000 in cash and prizes.

The judging period will run for 14 days after the end of the contest, and I’m happy to announce that I was approached to be one of 4 judges. So you don’t have to worry about competing against me! 🙂

Of course that does not mean that flattery will get you anywhere, just because you know me.

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Working Remotely – Remotely Working?

We at Cocoanetics love to hear your thoughts on any and all topic related to iOS development. Today’s guest post is by  Cory Wiles on facing the challenge of  businesses not yet seeing the light of a remote workforce.

I am an iOS/PHP developer, lover of all things mobile, Apple and BMW. I try to live by the Art of Simplicity.

My contract with my current employer is soon to end so I have been putting my resume out on the “internets” and searching for what I would like to do next as far as employment. I get about 2 – 3 calls/emails a day about job openings, especially with contract gigs. I have a few big companies that I have interviewed with that I am really psyched about.

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The Definition of “YOU”

Apple apparently has begun to enforce a new rule when it comes to submitting new apps to the app store. You can no longer make an app for a client and submit it under your own developer account.

This is of consequence for two kinds of apps:

  1. apps that are truly owned by the client of a contractor
  2. apps that are owned by you but are branded or contain content under license from a third party

Often there are contractors who published apps under their own account because that saved the client from having to go through the process of establishing a paid Developer Program account.

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The Going Ons

Let me briefly summarize what’s going on in my iOS life at the moment and where you come in (if you like).

My business revolves around several pillars which I established over the course of the past 2 years. My main income comes from 2 big contracts, one for developing for ELO Digital Office in Germany, one from a development partnership with International Color Services in Arizona. The former is about developing iPhone and iPad clients for their digital document archive. The latter is iCatalog.

Now I am quite lucky to have won over my brother-in-law who happens to be an excellent developer with a background in Java and Android to work exclusively on these contracts. Right now he focusses on the iPad version of ELO.

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iPhone 4S on 1-2 Weeks Expedition

Hearing how all these people report on queueing up for buying their iPhone 4S I got a urgent itch myself to scratch. So I asked if somebody could also get me one and lo and behold Cyril from France heard the calling.

Cyril Godefroy, maker of 321Run had only ordered one for himself so he graciously ordered mine as his second iPhone 4S. Ah, the French, how nice people they can be …

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