You might have noticed that I blogged much less during the past 3 months, that was for the most part because almost all of my programming time went into a secret project for Scribd. Something that is finally revealed to the public on July 19th 2011.
Preempting the next question I am usually asked at this point: “What is Scribd?” Scribd is often described as “the YouTube of Documents”. You can upload and share any kind of document on their network and they have an HTML5 reader that you can embed on your blog.
At the time the official statement was that Scribd is working on a mobile reader for iOS and they needed much more control over the rendering and interactivity of HTML-based content than UIWebView would afford them.
Let me tell you how Scribd has completely ditched UIWebView and is revolutionizing the way you read on your iPhone. Introducing Float.
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