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DTCoreText 1.6.17

This update to DTCoreText aggregates and release half a year worth of fixes. The previous update was in July 2015.

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DTFoundation 1.7.9

I’m doing this year-end update for DTFoundation to not have any unreleased contributions.

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GeoCorder saves the day

Sometimes I hear from users of my apps and the ones I like to hear from the most are the happy ones. Here is one case of a happy customer that relates to my app for recording map paths: GeoCorder

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Swift Golf

For a project I needed a way to get a reference to a UISwitch contained in the contentView of a UITableViewCell. I remembered from my research for my Swift talk that there was this handy is operator, so I was excited to tweet that I had finally found the first good use for it.

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Growth Spurt

In January 2016 the Cocoanetics blog as well as my iOS development business will exist 7 years. The business entity behind it – Drobnik KG – existed for twice as long. At the end of 2015 there will be several fundamental changes.

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I reported in an earlier post that there are some gotchas trying to localize an app with the combination of Xcode’s XLIFF export and The latter stated that it is not their fault and somebody responsible for the former thanked me for my sample.

A future fix in Xcode notwithstanding, I found it necessary to create the Localizable and Main storyboard strings file from the XLIFF files exported from the translation site. This way I could be certain that the translations I care about all all accounted for.

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DTRichTextEditor 1.6.12 + DTLoupe 1.5.8

These updates to DTRichTextEditor and DTLoupe address some tenacious crashes occurring from invalid geometry of sublayers.

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Hero Rays

Our app recently got the ability to award achievements to users for a variety of activities. Now, achievements have little impact if you cannot translate those into a rush of dopamine for the winning user. To achieve that, we are planning to have a pop up show as soon as the achievement is awarded, congratulating the user.

From psychology we know that if something is colourful and has animation it has a larger emotional impact than something that is static and B/W. One ingredient that is often used to heighten the effect are what I call “Hero Rays”. In this tutorial I am showing how I achieved them.

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The Case of the Missing Translation

Since iWoman was acquired by FOKUS KIND Medien we have been working on a complete UI overhaul. This also requires many new translations. The previous version of iWoman had been localized with Linguan, a Mac app which we also had sold a while ago. Unfortunately Linguan does not yet have support for XLIFFs, even though the new owner is considering it.

This blog post describes an issue that the XLIFF workflow has because of a bug on as well as a problematic “feature” in Xcode which causes some strings to go missing.

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TestFlight builds might get stuck in “Processing”

Old story: you submit a new version of an app only to find the next day that you still have a place where a crash occurs. In my case I “developer rejected” the review submission and uploaded a new build. Only to find that 19 hours later – on the next day – it is still not available to be attached to the version for submission.

People on Twitter told me that they are having the same issues too every now and then. Apparently for some they can jigger it lose by refreshing the TestFlight iOS-Builds page every few seconds. A few individuals even do that with a chrome extension that reloads the page every 15 seconds.

So, time for a Radar: filed as rdar://23409291 and on OpenRadar.

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