This is a maintenance release addressing several crashing problems.
Selling Linguan
It is with a heavy heart that today we’re announcing that we are looking for a buyer interested in acquiring our Mac localization tool Linguan.
DTCoreText 1.6.4
This update for DTCoreText brings fixes and improvements of equal proportion.
DTFoundation 1.5.2
This update for DTFoundation fixes issues with DTLog and DTHTMLParser and adds a few new utility methods.
DTCoreText 1.6.3 + DTRichTextEditor 1.6.2
Two minor version updates are fixing issues in DTCoreText and DTRichTextEditor.
Update: If you have trouble building via CocoaPods please make sure that you have version 0.23 and also refresh your pod specs. I had to – once more – modify the spec to fix a build problem. Sorry for the inconvenience.
DTFoundation 1.5.1
This is a mostly a clean-up release for DTFoundation with a few interesting additions.
Block-Based Logging Replacement for NSLog
It became apparent that we should have a standard method for logging in our frameworks. Some of use are happily using Cocoa Lumberjack in product apps, but not everybody might share this test. So there was a need to have some sort of looking hooks in our shared library code. This would allow everybody to hook up his own favorite logging framework or simply use NSLog.
In this blog post I am explaining the rationale behind DTLog, new in DTFoundation as of version 1.5.1.
Monitoring a Folder with GCD
There is no notification to be gotten if the user adds or removes files to your app’s documents folder. The only way to update your list of files in that case is to monitor the folder for changes. There are several different approaches to achieve this, the traditional one being the File System Events API.
But since iOS 4 – together with GCD – Apple added a simpler method for monitoring a vnode, dispatch sources.
iOS Developer Challenge
it is very rare that I review other developer’s apps; and usually only if they make use of one of my components. But for the iOS Developer Challenge I am making an exception. This app is quite unique as it is a fun mixture of being an iOS development game and education app.