Recently I’ve been getting more and more requests from potential clients to show them the license that is attached to components they would purchase from my parts store. I didn’t have any except some verbal description.
On open source software I now routinely add a 2-clause BSD license, so it was about time to also get a proper license for my commercial components.
Here’s the license I am going to use from now on. I adapted it from the commercial Development License that Peter Steinberger uses on his PSPDFKit, with a few modifications. Peter only allows use for a single app, our components can be used in all apps published via the licensee’s app store account.
So if you develop apps for yourself then you just need to purchase one license for all your apps. If you develop an app for somebody else then this third party has to obtain a license (or you have to obtain it in their name). You can also purchase an Extended License upgrade that lifts this restriction.
This license also adds permission for me to mention your company on It also now allows for providing modified versions of the component source code to third parties, provided that those are also holders of a separate license.
If you are an existing license holder for any of our things then it won’t hurt if you get in touch with us and see if your licensing is still ok for your specific use case.
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