When you look at the Contacts.app you see that Apple somehow manages to change the size of cells in UITableViews of grouped styling.
If you search around on the internet most of the solutions getting such a look revolve around making your own UIView and adding this as headerView to a section. Now if you want the cell on the right side to still behave like a cell is expected to behave then you have lots of work ahead of you. So I consulted the twitterverse and here props have to go to Jason Terhorst who hit the bull’s eye:
If I recall correctly from Apple’s example code, they just clear the background, and redraw that rounded rect at new size. It’s been a while since I did this, but I think I swapped in my own custom backgroundView.
I researched and experimented for a day to get it perfect. What follows is a description of how to pull off this magic trick, so you can do so too. The end result will look like this:
(Heart Icon by DryIcons)