You are listening to user feedback, especially those in Italy. You solve all their problems with a new version, in my case LuckyWheel 1.0.3. You polish it, test it (you think) and submit it to Apple for review. After a week you get this message back:
Your applications, LuckyWheel and LuckWheel Lite, cannot be posted to the App Store at this time because they do not achieve the core functionality described in your marketing materials, or release notes. Applications must adhere to the iPhone Human Interface Guidelines as outlined in iPhone SDK Agreement section 3.3.5.
The release notes for both applications state, “Italian UI and Instructions added”. However, in our review, when we put the device into Italian language mode and launched the applications, the application UI was still in English. Only the instructions were changed to Italian. See attached screenshots.
In order for your applications to be reconsidered for the App Store, please resolve this issue and upload your new binaries to iTunes Connect.
That’s a very long way to say: “Hey buddy, your Italian is English!”
When I got this message I was stumped. I though I had tested it. Thieves! Who has stolen my Italian UI?! But then I remembered something I had found out some months ago.
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