
Our DNA is written in Swift

Category Archive for ‘Administrative’ rss

Introducing SwiftMCP

I’m thrilled to announce SwiftMCP, a Swift macro-based framework that elegantly exposes your Swift functions as powerful Model Context Protocol (MCP) tools for AI assistants. After months of careful refinement, SwiftMCP now delivers the experience I’ve always dreamed of: turning standard Swift documentation directly into AI-integrable tools—effortlessly.

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Swift and .env

I’ve started doing occasional live streams, and when presenting to a worldwide audience, you don’t want your secrets visible on YouTube. For example, if you have an OPENAI API key, anyone could use your credits if they get hold of it. Plus, hard-coding secrets into a git repo is never good practice because once they’re committed, they’re difficult to remove entirely.

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DTCoreText 1.6.28

Here’s another maintenance release of DTCoreText, since the last one having been two years ago. It includes several fixes by contributors.

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BarCodeKit 1.4.0

Next month marks the 10 year anniversary of BarCodeKit. It’s been like two years of slumber since the last release. It was available via Cocoapods and direct via GitHub, but lately several developers voiced interest for it to be available as Swift Package.

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WWDC 2023: A Reflection on Apple’s “Spatial Computing” Journey

The highly-anticipated WWDC 2023 has drawn to a close, and as the dust settles, I find myself sifting through a barrage of new revelations and innovations from our friends at Apple.

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AI, find me some work…

I was asked by my wife to describe what I do so that she can send it to a friend who is apparently finding people for companies in Japan. It’s no secret that I have a love affair with GPT4.

So I sat down and gave GPT as much context as I could, adding a few more bits and pieces as I thought about them. Here’s the first version. Quite good, I think, couldn’t have written it better myself.

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DTCoreText 1.6.26

This is a maintenance release mostly fixing build issues.

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DTFoundation 1.7.18

This is a maintenance release fixing mostly build issues.

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BarCodeKit 1.3.3

Apparently I made a mistake in the previous release forgetting to include several commits mentioned in the release notes. It only took about 3 years for somebody to notice.

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Some Statistics for Starters

As a hobby, I am working on a SwiftUI app on the side. It allows me to keep track of height and weight of my daughters and plot them on charts that allow me to see how “normal” my offspring are developing.

I’ve shied away from statistics at university, so it took me so time to research a few things to solve an issue I was having. Let me share how I worked towards a solution to this statistical problem. May you find it as instructive as I did.

Note: If you find any error of thought or fact in this article, please let me know on Twitter, so that I can understand what caused it.

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