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Category Archive for ‘Bug Reports’ rss

Bug: Progress with Child

There is a parent progress that has a total unit count of 1000 units. A child progress was added with pending unit count 1000. When the child progress’ completed unit count is updated, then the fraction completed of the parent is updated, but the completed unit count is not.

Submitted as Apple Feedback FB9803982. The beautiful sample app can also be found on my RadarSamples repo.

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Bug: “Testfield in Row of List with Movable Items”

I was trying to recreate an existing user interface view in SwiftUI but got stumped for a while by some erratic behavior. I’ve built a nice sample app which is also on GitHub. This has been filed as FB9715757.

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SwiftUI: Laziness of List Interferes with Selection and Presentation of Detail

iOS 14 introduces some laziness in certain views, like for example there are now lazy variants of HStack and VStack. I’ve been working on a SwiftUI-version of an app of mine and the findings of my research for these bugs led me to believe that Apple added some lazy optimisations to Lists as well.

Unfortunately those optimisations seem to be breaking selection and presentation of detail views to a degree that they would be show stoppers for any universal app relying on List and its automatic promotion to being a split view on iPad.

I filed this as FB8521674 in the Apple Feedback App.

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Old and New

I know, I know, I cannot seem to find any time to reasonably blog about my life as developer. Nevertheless here are a few tidbits of late.

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Regression: CGImageSource doesn’t render background image of certain PDFs

This is a curious bug in Mohave, which is causing some headache for a client of ours who is relying on this functionality in their production work flow, but since this is broken in Mohave they cannot use machines they have already upgraded for this.

And before you ask why we didn’t report this earlier, as there were several months between WWDC and now… well, we didn’t use Mohave in production and it didn’t occur to us that something that was working before could be broken in a nice and shine new macOS version… šŸ™‚

Filed in OpenRadar and under rdar://45338633. Due to the proprietary nature of the sample PDF, I didn’t post that to my Radar samples repo.

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Radar: [Xcode] Enabling Extension-safe API check changes generated ObjC-Header

Normally you only need the “Allow app extension API only” for extension targets, to get warned if you are accessing API which is not available for extensions. I had enabled it for a framework to make sure I didn’t call forbidden API.

I found this issue at the same time asĀ this other issueĀ because my client complained about both problems: Not seeing any documentation via Quick Help as well as the generated header unnecessarily containing internal classes. This problem was already present in Xcode 8, as evidenced by somebody asking about it on Stack Overflow.

Filed as rdar://34790796 and on Open Radar. The mentioned sample is on my Radar Samples GitHub repo, titled InterfaceTest.

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Radar: [Xcode] Quick Help no longer shows documentation from imported module

I found this new issue when developing a framework for a client. I have all Swift code in a module and added nice documentation comments to all of the public methods and properties.

In Xcode 8, you could Open+Click on any property, class or method and you would see the documentation from these comments. This would work regardless if you are in Swift or Objective-C code.

Now with Xcode 9 that suddenly doesn’t work any more from Objective-C code. In Swift files it still works, both in the module itself as well as an app importing it.

Filed as rdar://34789767 and on Open Radar. The mentioned sample is on my Radar Samples GitHub repo, titled InterfaceTest.

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Document Menu View Controller not Showing Locations

I’ve been testing and wanting to use PSPDFKit’s PDF Viewer ever since I signed up for the beta. But I had a weird issue opening PDFs from Dropbox or iCloud; I would only see the option to add a new PDF, but no way to import a PDF from the cloud.

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PSA: Xcode hanging opening projects

There is bug in Xcode 8 that has not yet been fixed as of Xcode 8.2.1. If you running macOS Sierra you might find that Xcode hangs if you try to open a project, for example via Finder or the open command. The original bug report was filed as rdar://29319747 which mine was closed as a duplicate of.

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Sheet dismissal bug when window is hidden

Our customer found the following issue. In our apps we are showing some sheets for displaying progress to the user (downloading a bunch of images for example). I was not aware that if you ALT + CLICK in macOS ouside your window it gets hidden. When you do this and dismiss the sheet meanwhile an empty sheet remains on top of your window.

This bug is filed as rdar://30071930 and on Open Radar.

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