One day of the week I hope to do something that’s not really business oriented, I call it my “Friday-Project”. This title comes from my time in IT where you would generally avoid do any major changes to the systems you are maintaining on Fridays because nobody likes to work on fixing these on the following weekend. So Friday is a great day to just experiment, prototype or dream. At Google they are supposedly giving their employees 20% of their working time for such projects, so I am dedicating as much time to playful exploration as well.
Today I want to explore and hopefully finish some code to upload an image to TwitPic. So the first step is to have a look at their API documentation which is not very pretty, but at least it’s complete. There we see that we want to implement the uploadAndPost function.
Use this method to upload an image to TwitPic and to send it as a status update to Twitter.
Fields to post in post data should be formatted as multipart/form-data:
– media (required) – Binary image data
– username (required) – Twitter username
– password (required) – Twitter password
– message (optional) – Message to post to twitter. The URL of the image is automatically added.
Sample response:
<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>
<rsp status=”ok”>
For this we need to construct an HTTP POST request to the URL and construct a multipart body with binary image data, Twitter username, password and an optional message. The response will be XML giving us the URL we can use to link to the picture.
Having the parameters intermixed makes it a bit harder especially if you have never constructed a multipart body before. The easiest method of image uploading is if you can specify parameters in the URL, but the designer of this API thought it smarter to have it in the body. But don’t worry, we’ll get this figured out as well.
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