This is a maintenance release, after the previous one was more than a year old. There were a couple open pull requests which I merged.
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Accessibility in SpeakerClock 1.3.1
You can now fully operate SpeakerClock with no or low vision. We gave SpeakerClock the full Accessibility treatment. In this article I describe some of the things I learned adding accessibility features to SpeakerClock, now that it is fully written in SwiftUI.
Read moreSpeakerClock 1.3.0
I’ve been busy since I completely rewrote SpeakerClock in SwiftUI. That was version 1.2.0.
The App Store provides a concept called Universal Purchase, which is where purchasing an app on one device also unlocks it on all other supported platforms. In the previous version I added a Mac version. This update now adds the AppleTV version. Still a minor update, because the functionality is identical, yet all three versions benefit from improvements.
Read moreRewriting SpeakerClock in SwiftUI
When I started out developing iOS apps, 11 years ago I put several apps on the App Store. Since they became fewer and fewer as the income from them didn’t warrant updating them. Amongst those my most successful one was iWoman, which I sold in 2015. My second-most-valuable (in terms of revenue) remained my beloved SpeakerClock, the last app standing.
Read moreKvitto 1.0.5
Following the previous release, I received word that Apple had added a new kind of sales receipt which is used for IAP testing. This release adds support for those.
Read moreKvitto 1.0.4
Kvitto is an open source component that lets you parse Apple sales receipt files, for example to determine if the user has an active auto-renewing subscription on device.
This new release fixes an urgent issue that appeared the first time on September 24th, in iOS 14, where about half the sales receipts could not be parsed. I also added support for Swift Package Manager 2 weeks ago and had forgotten to announce the release, so there you go.
Read moreDTCoreText 1.6.25
This goes hand-in-hand with the latest update to DTFoundation, which added support for Swift Package Manager.
- FIXED: URLs containing CJK characters are not parsed
- FIXED: iOS 13 openURL crash
- FIXED: References to deprecated classes
- FIXED: Cannot parse CSS with empty font-family
- FIXED: iOS 14 warnings
- NEW: Swift Package Manager Support
This update has been tagged on GitHub and is available via CocoaPods.
DTCoreText 1.6.23
Hot on the heels of the previous maintenance release, which was only 3 Months ago, this one was required because Apple no longer allows Apps to contain references to UIWebView.
DTFoundation 1.7.14
Several recent pull requests, as well as an acute deprecation of UIWebView made it necessary to push out this maintenance update. Even more so, because this framework is a dependency of DTCoreText which also needs an update.
DTCoreText 1.6.22
The previous release was almost 2 years ago, and several people requested this one, so I finally got around to doing it.