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Private Pods

You probably have looked at CocoaPods by now and found it to be a great way to quickly pull together all your favorite Open Source components for an app. After our recent move to Git I researched some more and found that it is exceptionally easy to also provide specs for your closed source private code.

Update: Updated Resource Bundle generation use the new syntax of CocoaPods 0.18.

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Rich Text Update 1.4

Beginning with version 1.4 we will advance the version tags on DTCoreText and DTRichTextEditor in sync. DTCoreText is in charge of HTML parsing, display and HTML generation inside the editor component and thus all the changes done there are indirectly benefitting editor users as well.

I’ve begun to aggregate issues on both GitHub and our own private GitLab instance via milestones. These are the grouping unit collecting issues so that you can tell from which version onward these fixes or enhancements are available. Each milestone will become a tag, once it is completed and will represent a stable version.

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Just a week ago I started DTXMLRPC as a means to post to my WordPress blog from QuickRadar. Somebody took a liking to it and sponsored me to continue work on it. So I implementing the remaining data types for XML-RPC serialization and improved the demo by adding a demonstration how to upload an image to WordPress.

The DTWordpress class, based on DTXMLRPC, provides an ever growing number of WordPress API calls, like retrieving a user’s blogs, a blog’s categories, posting a new article and uploading an image. All is block based.

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DTNotePadView 1.1

Since we moved our components from Subversion to our new shiny GitLab server we contacted all clients and asked them for what git credentials they wish to use. Doing so we found that by far the most copies of all components had been sold for DTNotePadView.

Because of this I went in and gave it some love.

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Linguan 1.1.3

This is a very minor bugfix release for Linguan to fix one issue and possibly address a second one.


  • Fixed Problem with Filter Scope
  • Addressed an Issue that might prevent some users from closing the Preferences Windows

The second problem was reported by two users but so far we have been unable to reproduce it. If you are a developer and too find that you cannot close the preferences window we need your help! Please e-mail us so that we can arrange for inspecting the problem on your machine.

Update March 28: Approved after 10 days.

Urban Airship Commander 1.1.1

Ah yes, the famous 1.1.1 version of a new app… You know, version 1.0 is always the minimally viable product. Version 1.1 lets you add new stuff that didn’t make it 1.0. And version 1.1.1 then is another layer of polish and tweaks.

Urban Airship Commander is dear to our heart and so it also deserves the benefit of a 1.1.1 version.

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New Setup Guide for DTCoreText

After several fellow developers reported that they where unable to compile their apps having followed the previous DTCoreText Readme I felt that I needed to create a new Setup Guide. So I did that for the better part of a day, painstakingly verifying each individual step and documenting how the recommended approaches would be.

I used a relatively new feature of appledoc to create Programming Guides which allows to add markdown files that get transformed the same way to HTML as the header comments are.

You can also add images and cross references, which unfortunately seem to have a mind of their own. But I finally found a way how to get it what I wanted it to do and you can see the results online.

iCatalog 3rd Gen Goes Live

Our partner has begun rolling out the latest generation of iCatalog+ apps which marks the third generation of our framework. The 3rd generation will also celebrate the 3rd birthday of our iCatalog.framework. Initial development had begun in Summer 2010 with the first public release occurring in October 2010.

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DTRichTextEditor 1.2

It’s been a while since I last blogged about the progress we are making on DTRichTextEditor, my rich text editor component for iOS. January saw many more licensees that ever before, people are just fed up with not being able to integrate rich text editing into their apps.

Selling many licenses also allows me to dedicate a great deal of time to improving and tuning the component. Now here is Version 1.2.

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Urban Airship Commander 1.1

We are happy to announce several big improvements on our Urban Airship Commander app. Besides some features that where not ready in time for 1.0 there are also 2 suggestions of users we implemented.

Contrary to popular belief this app is not a game. It is a tool for developers.

Update Feb 25th: The Update is now approved and available on the App Store after 10 days.

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