On my recent trip to the USA I put the finishing touches on the next big update to GeoCorder. And today (while recuperating from a bit of a cold) I finished up with some 3.x compatibility issues and integration with the latest versions of DTShop and DTBannerManager.
This version became necessary because I wanted to fix a slight problem one special customer was having with the new tracking function. The tracker would disable if you didn’t have internet connectivity, say during a phone call. Another user who is into ballooning asked for a method to better filter the path to prevent the jumping around that occurs when CoreLocation switches to cell-tower locating due to signal degradation.
- NEW: Fully redesigned artwork for Retina display
- NEW: Map View now displays path of currently recording track
- NEW: KML supported for exporting
- NEW: new filter option to eliminiate implausible track points
- NEW in free version: Option to remove ads via In-App purchase
- FIXED: Default Recording Settings not showing on Settings View
- FIXED: speed would not be inserted in called tracking URL
- FIXED: tracking ping would be disabled if Internet connection was lost
While at it, I needed a testbed for the new option of DTBannerManager to allow the user to purchase removal of the Ads, which can now come from iAd, MobFox or AdMob.

Finally, I added KML as export option because this can be readily used by FTLocationSimulator to simulate movement in iPhone simulator.
KML uses so-called line strings which contain way less information than GPX tracks. They only have coordinates and altitude, no timestamps. KML was designed to represent a recorded movement through space but rather static three-dimensional lines in Google Earth.
There IS a way to represent movement through time in KML as well, but it is extremely verbose as you can see from theĀ whale example in Google’s KML documentation. It works by creating a place mark for each track point which is very ugly. I’m only going to implement that if it turns out to be “absolutely necessary” for a specific use case.
Therefore this version of GeoCorder has one “known issue”: KML cannot be used for GeoTagging because of the missing time information. For geotagging you have to stick with the GPX format.
The update is now with Apple and should be approved in a week or so.