This maintenance update for DTFoundation cleans up a few Xcode 7 and OCLint warnings and fixes an issue in DTSidePanelController.
Category Archive for ‘Updates’ 
DTRichTextEditor 1.6.11
I had moved DTRichTextEditor to be Open Source because I wanted bright individuals to be able to contribute to this complex component. I had hatched the plan to ask people who are using the component commercially to set a bounty for fixed issues. This is the second release where a bounty was successfully captured.
DTRichTextEditor 1.6.10
This is the first update since the project has been open-sourced. Together with the updates in all sub-modules it now supports Cocoapods frameworks and modules.
DTFoundation 1.7.6
This maintenance update fixes a few bugs in the ASN.1 parser and adds support for modules.
DTRichTextEditor Goes Open Source
Development on DTRichTextEditor had started in 2011, several years before Apple revamped the internals of UITextView to TextKit. I based it on DTCoreText – which had been open source from the start – and added a custom magnifying glass to mimic the one provided by the system. As of today, I am making it Open Source.
DTCoreText 1.6.15
This maintenance update for DTCoreText aggregates several contributed fixes.
DTFoundation 1.7.5
This maintenance update for DTFoundation contains a few fixes for the parsers and other minor fixes.
DTFoundation 1.7.4
This maintenance update to DTFoundation contains several minor fixes and a few new CocoaPods sub specs.