This minimalistic update to DTFoundation adds a helper method for loading small animated GIFs. It’s a hotfix release because no other functionality was modified.
Category Archive for ‘Updates’ 
DTCoreText 1.6.12
It’s been a while since the previous update to DTCoreText. Now that I mostly finished my book I pulled together a new maintenance release.
DTFoundation 1.7.0
This release of DTFoundation contains fixes for the most part, but also one new class DTProgressHUD. Also it is the first released via the new CocoaPods Trunk mechanism. This is why it gets a minor release number bump.
Book Updated (Again)!
Readers of my book get good news today! My publisher Manning released a new chapter for the early-access-version of the book.
Previously available chapters 1 through 5 have seen lots of improvements and clarifications based on valuable reader feedback as well as the keen eyes of my editor. The first 3 chapters are now locked for pre-production. That means that various experts are honing in on the manuscript and are putting the polish on for the bound book release!
It’s shaping up to be a really awesome publication. If you haven’t pre-ordered the book via Manning’s Early Access Program (MEAP) then please do so today!
DTFoundation 1.6.3
This maintenance update to DTFoundation fixes an issue with DTFolderMonitor. The update is available via GitHub tag or Cocoapods.
DTLocalizableStringScanner 1.0
There’s been a bit of movement on our open source replacement for genstrings. So I figured it would finally be deserving of getting the same treatment as all our other popular repos: automated unit testing, coverage tracking, releases via CocoaPods.
Because of the unwieldy name I refer to it as genstrings2 and it provides the scanning functionally for the Linguan Mac app which was acquired by Peer Assembly.
Book Updated!

Readers of my book get good news today! My publisher Manning released version of the MEAP-version of the book.
Previously available chapters 1 through 3 have been reworked based on the feedback several reviewers gave. There were some tough requests which I just couldn’t fit into the style of the book. But for the most part the book has become much better for it.
If you haven’t pre-ordered the book via Manning’s Early Access Program (MEAP) then please do so today!
DTCoreText 1.6.11
In the 3 months since the previous release quite a few things happened on the development branch of DTCoreText. Additionally there were some issues related to iOS 7.1 and Xcode 5.1 that needed urgent addressing. Even though there are a few new features I decided to go with a bug fix version number. This way if somebody is using DTCoreText via CocoaPods and has the the version restricted to 1.6.x he gets all the critical fixes.
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DTDownload 1.1
This minor update to DTDownload adds a new feature: DTDownloadQueue now has a download priority.
DTChartView 2.1
DTChartView is the very first component that I ever sold. Just like with the recent update to DTCalendarView there are still some stubborn users, so I finally brought it into the present.